
Shortbread Mille-feuille
  • March 31,2023

Shortbread Mille-feuille

By Blue Summer [Official Certified Peanut Food Master]

  • 300 g flour
  • 170 g warm water
  • Vegetable oil 25g
  • 2 grams of salt
  • 80g low gluten flour (shortbread)
  • 50 grams of hot butter (shortbread dough)
  • Ground pepper (paste) 2 grams
  • 2 grams of five spice powder (cooked dough)
  • Salt (paste) 4 grams
  • The right amount of white sesame
  • Egg liquid 20 g
  • Steps Shortbread Mille-feuille

    1. Add 25 grams of vegetable oil and 2 grams of salt to 300 grams of flour, mix well, stir with 170 grams of warm water into a flaky form, knead a smooth dough, cover with plastic wrap and wake up. for 15 minutes.

    Shortbread Mille-feuille

    2, 80g low gluten flour, add 2g pepper powder, 2g five spice powder, 4g salt, mix, pour in 50g hot oil and mix well to prepare dough for later. use.

    Shortbread Mille-feuille

    3. Pour a little more dry flour on cutting board, take out awakened dough, without kneading, roll it into a rectangular sheet and evenly distribute kneaded dough on it.

    Shortbread Mille-feuille

    4. Fold two sides of dough towards middle.

    Shortbread Mille-feuille

    5. Then fold in half.

    Shortbread Mille-feuille

    6. Fold two ends towards middle.

    Shortbread Mille-feuille

    7. Fold it in half, cover with plastic wrap and wake it up for ten minutes (the whole process is similar to method of folding a patchwork quilt)

    Shortbread Mille-feuille

    8. After ten minutes, roll out folded blanket again into a rectangular blank.

    Shortbread Mille-feuille

    9. Repeat folding once.

    Shortbread Mille-feuille

    10. The second folding is completed.

    Shortbread Mille-feuille

    11. Roll it into a 1.5 cm thick dough cake.

    Shortbread Mille-feuille

    12. Cut into small pieces.

    Shortbread Mille-feuille

    13. Grease a baking sheet with a layer of oil, carefully spread sliced ​​​​cakes, brush with a layer of egg mixture and sprinkle with white sesame seeds. Preheat oven to 180 degrees and bake for 20 minutes.</ p>Shortbread Mille-feuille

    14. Tastes better when cool and layers are crispy.

    The nutritional function of flour

    It nourishes heart and kidneys, strengthens spleen and thickens intestines, eliminates fever and quenches thirst. Wheat is sweet in taste, cool in character, penetrates meridian of heart, spleen and kidneys; nourishes heart, nourishes kidneys, relieves fever and quenches thirst; mainly used to treat visceral irritation, dysphoria, thirst, dysentery, carbuncle, traumatic bleeding and burns.

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