
dragon fat pig blood
  • May 04,2023

Blood of a Fat Dragon Pig

Dragon Fat Pig Blood is a famous snack in Changsha, Hunan Province. In addition to beautiful name, soft and delicate taste of pig blood is also unique. Take a sip of soup while it's hot, warm and mouthwatering and delicious.

Difficulty: Normal

Prep time: 8 minutes

Taste: spicy


90 grams of pig blood

200 g mustard greens

300 ml chicken broth

7 grams of shallots

5 ml light soy sauce

3 grams of salt

2 grams of chicken powder

2 grams of sesame oil

5 g chili powder


dragon fat pig blood

1 Wash mustard greens and cut into small pieces.

dragon fat pig blood

2 Pig's blood cut into thick strips.

dragon fat pig blood

3 Pour mustard greens into a pot of boiling water and blanch until they break.

dragon fat pig blood

4 Remove boiled mustard greens and drain for later use.

dragon fat pig blood

5 Continue pouring pork blood into a pot of simmering water, blanch for 1 minute until tender.

dragon fat pig blood

6 Remove the boiled pig blood and put it on a plate for later use.

dragon fat pig blood

7 Heat a pot of chicken broth.

dragon fat pig blood

8 Add green onion, chili powder, light soy sauce, salt, chicken powder, sesame oil, mix well.

dragon fat pig blood

9 Add mustard greens and cook until boiling.

dragon fat pig blood

10 Transfer the cooked soup to a bowl.

dragon fat pig blood

11 Put boiled pork blood into soup.