Fujian Cuisine

Fish fingers
  • March 10,2023

Is dry fried tail still struggling with flour or starch? Do these 2 steps well and you will succeed!

As soon as Chinese New Year arrives, brushwood becomes an indispensable dish on dining table of northerners. It is said that more than every year they pay attention to serving whole fish, but for Beijingers who are used to eating tail fish, this is not limited to this statement, as long as there is fish. There are many ways to eat tail hair, and we will be using different methods to give it a different taste depending on species. For example, tail of Zhoushan is narrow, tender and thin, so it loves to be stewed and fried. There is a lot of fried food for Chinese New Year. Take a few tablespoons of oil to fry octopus. It is very crispy when eaten hot or cold. Especially when you have guests at home, you still want to chat, so fry them in advance without time limits. It's easy to serve too.

Fish fingers

I often see articles discussing whether to use flour or starch for dry fried hair, it really doesn't matter, you can do it to your liking. Fried in flour, surface of tail is crispy, fried in starch, texture is crispy, there is no difference between good and bad. If you want hairtail to be well fried, slag will still be crunchy after biting, key is to fry again. The fried ponytail is not only crispy and flavorful, but can also be chewed on spikes, chewed, and swallowed. The fried food is very delicious, two tails were eaten in blink of an eye, and hunger is not yet satisfied, it seems that we need to fry 4 tails so that everyone can eat during holiday. A well-done octopus stays crunchy and crunchy even after cooling down, so it pays to pay attention to little details.

Fish fingers

【Dry fried tail】

Materials: 2 ponytails, 1 piece of ginger, some cooking wine, 2 handfuls of flour, some salt, 5 grams of five spice powder, some oil

Production process:

1. Cut off head, tail and fins of hairtail, remove internal organs, and thoroughly wash off black film on abdomen, black film is used to collect toxins, darker more toxins, and taste is very bitter, so it must be removed. ; Cut into slices 5 cm long;

Fish fingers

2. Cut ginger into thin slices, cover with cooking wine, mix tail pieces with grated ginger and marinate for 15 minutes;

Fish fingers

3. Pour a spoonful of five-spice powder and a little salt into ordinary flour and mix well with chopsticks;

Fish fingers

4. Turn on fire first and use a small saucepan to burn off half oil pan, then pour flour into hair plate, due to penetration of cooking wine, surface of hair will soon be covered with a thin layer of flour;

Fish fingers

5. Insert chopsticks into oil pan, there are relatively dense air bubbles around chopsticks, and oil temperature is appropriate;

Fish fingers

6. Place same size hair pieces in a frying pan with oil, fry them on high heat first, do not use chopsticks to turn them over, and turn them over after water content of hair pieces has reduced and become firm so that fish pieces stay intact ; fry remaining octopuses until golden brown; after all fish pieces are fried, take them out, raise temperature over medium heat for 10 seconds, and fry all fish pieces in pan for another 10 seconds to make octopus even more crispy.

Fish fingers

[Cooking Tips]

Don't choose thick and coarse hairline, choose Zhoushan hairline, which is thin and delicate; pour a little salt into flour and mix well, fried hairline will be very tasty; do not put the floured Tail for a long time, eat It can be put into a hot pan with oil in a thin layer, it will be more crispy after repeated frying.