Shandong Cuisine

Braised chicken nuggets
  • July 19,2023

Braised chicken nuggets

We can now say that chicken is a relatively economical ingredient. Chicken meat is tender, low in fat and high in nutrients, and it won't make you fat if you eat more, which is why people love it so much. There are many ways to cook chicken, and stewed chicken nuggets are often made at home. While braised chicken nuggets are common, there are skills to make them delicious. Let's take a look at my method below.

Ingredients preparation:

Half a rooster (500 g) 10 g onion, 10 g ginger, 10 g garlic, 5 g star anise, 5 g pepper, 5 g dried chili, 20 g sugar, 5 g salt, 10 g soy sauce, 10 g cooking wine, 15 g green pepper

How to do it:

1: First clean rooster you bought and then cut it into chicken pieces. The size of chicken pieces depends on your personal preference.

Braised chicken nuggets

2. Cut onion into large slices, cut ginger into large slices and prepare pepper, star anise and dried red pepper. These are main ingredients for my chicken nuggets. You can also add some other spices to this base.

Braised chicken nuggets Braised chicken nuggets

3. Chop up some shallots, minced garlic and green peppers. These small ingredients are added after chicken nuggets are ripe but before they are removed from pan. Get started.

Braised chicken nuggets

4: Heat pot until it starts to smoke, add vegetable oil, after wetting pot, add chicken pieces and stir-fry fresh chicken, no need to blanch, use this type of direct frying is to fry water in chicken, fry water in chicken, fry oil first, and then lay it out for later use.

Braised chicken nuggets Braised chicken nuggets

5: Then fry sugar color, pour oil into a saucepan, add 3 tablespoons of white sugar, first fry white sugar over high heat, and then slowly fry over low heat. .

Braised chicken nuggets

6: Fry sugar until brown-red, when a lot of foam appears, add chicken pieces, quickly fry evenly.

Braised chicken nuggets Braised chicken nuggets

7: Fry chicken pieces until browned, add ingredients and fry, stirring, until fragrant.

Braised chicken nuggets Braised chicken nuggets

8: Then add water, amount of water equals amount of chicken nuggets. Then add salt, sugar and pepper to taste, then cover pan with a lid and cook over low heat for half an hour.

Braised chicken nuggets Braised chicken nuggets

9: After half an hour, turn on fire to collect juice, thicken soup, add chopped green onions, minced garlic and green peppers.

Braised chicken nuggets

10: Saute green pepper until it breaks, pour in some sesame oil, fry evenly, then remove from pan and place on a plate.

Braised chicken nuggets

Here is a plate of stewed chicken nuggets of bright red color and tender meat is ready. Every time my kid comes home I make a plate of chicken nuggets like this, kid loves to eat them and soup will be soaked in rice at end

Braised chicken nuggets