
Soup with green radish meat
  • March 09,2023

This soup has a sweet taste and is very suitable for elderly and children. And it has a certain effect on treatment of rhinitis and runny nose. 白萝卜和姜搭配散寒的功效比较强~! Winter is coming and weather is cold, If you happen to catch a cold, you can cook soup. Note that if you drink it during a cold, put less or no pieces of meat and add some shallots in moderation. This soup does not replace medicine, it only plays an auxiliary role in treatment of rhinitis and runny nose.

Ingredients 300 g radishes 200 g chopped meat Method
  • 1 Soup with green radish meat

    Prepare all ingredients.

  • 2 Soup with green radish meat

    Cut meat into thin slices, it is best to choose fatty and thin meat so that meat is tender.

  • 3 Soup with green radish meat

    Cut ginger into slices. Wash parsley and cut into pieces.

  • 4 Soup with green radish meat

    Place bowl of water in soup pot, add meat slices, boil ginger, skim foam off top, cover pot with a lid and simmer over high heat, then cook over medium heat for 5 minutes.

  • 5 Soup with green radish meat

    I started cutting radishes while meat slices were roasting. Wash and cut radishes in half, then cut in half again and cut into long strips.

  • 6 Soup with green radish meat

    Cut radish into a ling shape.

  • 7 Soup with green radish meat

    After pieces of meat are cooked, add chopped radish, cover and simmer for 3-5 minutes over medium heat, salt, mix well, remove pan and sprinkle with parsley.